Author: Danyal

I'm skilled programmer with expertise in Vue.js/Nux.js for front-end development and PHP Laravel for back-end development. I excel in building APIs and services, and also have experience in web server setup & maintenance. My versatile skill set allows you to develop and maintain web applications effectively, from the user interface to the server-side functionality. I love coding with never ending learning attitude, thanks for visiting

Get request data for fillable attributes

Quick tip of the day, how to auto map the data from the Request object…

 Posted in Laravel Tagged , ,

Multi-line editing on Atom

If you are wondering how to append/edit multiple lines to code in Atom, you landed…

 Posted in Code Editors Tagged , ,

How to add Vuetifyjs to Vuejs app?

Today we will learn how to implement vuetify in vuejs application, for those who are…

 Posted in Vuejs Tagged , , , , ,

WordPress: Including CSS & JavaScript

While you are developing Wordpress theme, you may want to add custom stylesheets or javascript files.

 Posted in CMS, Development, PHP Tagged ,

How to restart docker container

 Posted in Docker Tagged , , ,

Python: Formatting methods

Sting formatting with .format() method A good way to format objects into the strings to…

 Posted in Python Tagged , , ,

Docker: Prune volumes

Volumes can be used by one or more containers, and take up space on the…

 Posted in Docker Tagged , ,

Docker: Prune containers

When you stop a container, it is not automatically removed unless you started it with…

 Posted in Docker Tagged , ,

Laravel Mix & Vue : Module parse failed: Unexpected token

npm errors & solutions.

 Posted in Laravel Tagged , ,

jQuery: Attribute Starts With Selector

Selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value beginning exactly with a given string.

 Posted in javascript Tagged , ,