Tag: commands

Multi-line editing on Atom

If you are wondering how to append/edit multiple lines to code in Atom, you landed…

 Posted in Code Editors Tagged , ,

Docker: Prune volumes

Volumes can be used by one or more containers, and take up space on the…

 Posted in Docker Tagged , ,

Docker: Prune containers

When you stop a container, it is not automatically removed unless you started it with…

 Posted in Docker Tagged , ,
Linux / Unix

Linux: Compress or uncompress files

Compress multiple folders in same archive

 Posted in Linux Tagged , , ,

Solved: ‘/bin/rm: Argument list too long’ error

I faced this issue while I was removing huge list of files from a folder…

 Posted in Linux Tagged , ,

Linux Navigation and File Management Commands

This guide covers the basic understanding of exploration and navigation of linux system. Find your current…

 Posted in Linux, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17 Tagged , , , , , , ,