Docker: Prune volumes

Volumes can be used by one or more containers, and take up space on the Docker host. Volumes are never removed automatically, because to do so could destroy data.

List volumes

docker volume ls

Prune all volumes

docker volume prune

By default, you are prompted to continue. To bypass the prompt, use the -f or --force flag.

By default, all unused volumes are removed. You can limit the scope using the --filter flag. For instance, the following command only removes volumes which are not labelled with the keep label:

Prune volumes with filters

docker volume prune --filter "label!=keep"

Other filtering expressions are available. See theย docker volume pruneย referenceย for more examples.

Author: Danyal
I'm a skilled programmer specializing in Vue.js/Nuxt.js for front-end development and PHP Laravel for back-end solutions. I have a strong focus on API design and development, complemented by experience in web server setup and maintenance. My versatile expertise ensures seamless creation and maintenance of web applications, covering everything from intuitive user interfaces to robust server-side functionality. Passionate about coding and driven by a lifelong learning mindset, I invite you to explore more at