
Laravel Migration: How to add a column with a default of an existing column

In this post, we will see how to add a new column to an existing table by setting the default value the same as the existing column.

What would be the context? In my case, I had to resolve the problem to sort the list of posts that has the latest activity, for example, comments.

We can, of course, resolve this problem by using eloquent whereHas & sortBy clauses. But this was affecting the performance, therefore I decided to add a new field last_activity_at to the posts table, which will be default equivalent to the created_at but then will be updated whenever a new Comment is added to the Post.

Let’s see how I did it.


Schema::table('posts', function(Blueprint $table) {

\DB::statement('UPDATE posts SET last_activity_at = created_at');

Model Comment booted hook :
I am updating Post last_activity_at every time a new comment is created.

protected static function booted()
    try {
        static::created(function (Comment $comment) {
            $post = $comment->post;
            $post->last_activity_at = $comment->created_at;
    } catch (\Exception $exception) {
        // handle the exception

That’s it, now I can sort my posts by last_activity_at.

Hope it would be helpful, see in the next post.

Author: Danyal
I'm a skilled programmer specializing in Vue.js/Nuxt.js for front-end development and PHP Laravel for back-end solutions. I have a strong focus on API design and development, complemented by experience in web server setup and maintenance. My versatile expertise ensures seamless creation and maintenance of web applications, covering everything from intuitive user interfaces to robust server-side functionality. Passionate about coding and driven by a lifelong learning mindset, I invite you to explore more at